Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Comments for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing -myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theComments for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Answer: The change management theory can be effective ways to deal with the new forms of challenges that occurs within the industry of healthcare. The study has been able to highlight different types of changes that can be implemented. I do believe that both transitional and transformational change can be implemented depending upon the challenges in each of the cases. The developmental change is most appreciable in the matter of incorporating new types of skills among the healthcare workers (Zablotsky et al. 2015). With the implementation of the healthcare technology, it is possible to improve the quality of care that is being provided by the patients (Grnvall Verdezoto, 2013). In spite of providing the description of all types of change management model, which includes the Lewins Change management model, Kotters 8 step change model and McKinsey 7S model, the essay has concluded about the fact none of the models are not effective enough to deal with manage all forms of challenges. I do strongly agree upon the fact that most of the change management models are only effective in providing some theoretical guidelines. In the reality most of the models cannot completely deal with all forms of challenges that occur due to the change in the healthcare management. Reference Grnvall, E., Verdezoto, N. (2013, September). Beyond self-monitoring: understanding non-functional aspects of home-based healthcare technology. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing (pp. 587-596). ACM. Zablotsky, B., Black, L. I., Maenner, M. J., Schieve, L. A., Blumberg, S. J. (2015). Estimated prevalence of autism and other developmental disabilities following questionnaire changes in the 2014 National Health Interview Survey.

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